Thankful Tradition
Tis the season for thanks. In a year full of extra restrictions on socializationing it can be hard to muster a spirit of thanks. Something that once may have seemed to flow freely as we prepare for a giant feast with friends and family, may seem lackluster or a let down.
Recently I was working with a consultation client on exactly this. Validating that in general, this sucks right now! That they had every right to be upset or bummed or whatever else they were experiencing… but now what? You can not let your experience be defined by an emotional reactions to things. Rather we have the distinct opportunity to create our reality. So if this is the season of thanks, than let it be exactly that. If this really hits home for you then reach out to me so you can start your thankful tradition today.
So lets do a little exercise together, you will need paper and pen or some sort of electronic device to keep track of your thoughts.
Think of five people you are thankful for and write their names down, leaving space to write beneath each of these names or even better its own page.
Think of ten thing specifically that you are thankful for. Be sure to dig deep. It may be that this person brings you coffee sometimes. Are you thankful for the coffee, or are you thankful that this person is considerate, are you thankful that this person thinks of your needs, are you thankful that they know you well enough to know how you drink your coffee? To be clear you can also be thankful for the coffee too.
Now share this list with that person. When we feel appreciated we become thankful for the relationships in our lives. By doing this critical step we spread our thankfulness out into the world and create a ripple effect.
Bonus step: Now take the time to think of five things that you are thankful of because of COVID. Think of five things that would have never happened otherwise. This is a huge step towards changing ones relationship to their current plight. There is always something to be thankful for, we can always be thankful.