Physical Tradition

Your body is your temple, right? Or is your body more like a 7-11 at 12am? Sticky, loud, and ready to shut down.

How we treat our physical body is directly linked to how we feel about ourselves emotionally. If we feel like we deserve the best, we will treat ourselves the best. If we think we just aren’t good enough, smart enough, thin enough, it warrants to reason that we will not treat our physical body as the temple it truly is.

Your body is the means by which you are able to manifest your destiny. It is through your physical body that you can share acts of love, live a life of service, create a life worth living, and literally create life! These are epic things. You as a living being are epic, so it is time to own it.

As a living epic being, your body deserves to be treated with reverence. When the physical body is cared for it can improve sleep, increase energy levels, help with concentration, the list goes on and on. Then there are secondary benefits such as improved work performance, relationship improvement, reduced experiences of anxiety and stress, again the list goes on and on.

This may seem a bit basic, but it can be life changing stuff. By making some lifestyle changes you can drastically improve the quality of your life. Below I will list some suggestions for improving one’s physical health, and if this topic resonates with you please reach out and start your physical tradition today.

1) Move your body - Start simple. Walk more, choose the stairs, make a game of going down every aisle of the super market, attend a Mindful Tradition yoga class. Find things that get you moving and bring you joy.

2) Assess your nutrition - Again start simple. Is your plate half vegetables at meal times? Are your snacks healthy options? Are you getting the bulk of your food from the outer edges of the grocery store? If not just start asking yourself these questions and picking one thing this week that you know is a healthy choice to start implementing.

3) Get enough sleep - Turn off all electronics one hour before going to bed and get 8 hours of sleep a night. Thats all, just do it.

4)Go to the doctors - Have regular doctors appointments and keep them… and dentist, and optometrist, and gynecology. When you regularly go to these appointments you are prioritizing your health and well being, and making yourself aware of concerns before they become issues.


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