Crown Tradition
Well my loves, we have made it to the seventh and final chakra, the crown chakra. If the root chakra is that which connects us to the earth beneath us, then the crown chakra is that which tethers us to the cosmos above.
In short this chakra connects us to the universe and our own divinity. Personally I love this idea, because it validates my personal belief that we are all divine and spiritual beings. As such it gets hard to justify being a dick to anyone if we are all just these radiant beings living our best lives. This very chakra is what gives any one of us the potential to be a swami, guru or master. It is this mastery of self which must first come forth and from their we can attain mastery of the whole universe. To be clear I have not come even close to this ideal. However I am on a journey in that direction, and that in itself is a noble path.
Now when I say mastery of the universe I do not mean Jafar in Aladdin trying to be the most powerful being in the universe. I mean we have obtained universal truth and are at peace with all that is. The ego has been eradicated in this state and is replaced by an understanding that everything is connected on a fundamental level. This knowledge is said to bring a deep awareness, gratitude, faith, and trust.
Now because this chakra is on the top of the mountain, so to speak, working with any of the lower six chakras is beneficial to the crown chakra (because it’s all connected, are you starting to see the pattern?). So in effect or bring this chakra into alignment you must begin at the bottom of the mountain with the root chakra. Once you have firmly established a strong foundation you can begin to engage with this seventh chakra and bring an overall balance and harmony to your life.
As an exercise for the crown chakra I will give you a mantra to work with.
I stand in the truth of my inner wisdom
This is the sort of thing you could use with mala beads (a strand of 108 beads used for the purposes of mantra meditation) or this could be the kind of thing you say to yourself when you are experiencing a hard moment, or are stopped at a red light. I personally like to pepper my yoga classes mantras and affirmation because they rework the synapses of the brain replacing negative patterns with positive ones. If this si something you would like to take up actively in your own journey and would like some support please reach out for your free 15 minute connection call and we can start your Mindful Tradition today.