Third Eye Tradition

The sixth chakra also known as the brow chakra or the third eye, is the center of the spirit. This is where we start to connect to our higher selves. The lower self being driven by the ego (if we are not consciously striving for something different), the sixth chakra brings the gift of the spirit which is when you can begin to connect with and work with your highest self. Every single one of us has the ability to work with a higher vibrational energy but it is something you have to intentionally work towards.

This third eye chakra is the center of your intuition. You will know this chakra is open if you are clairvoyant, telepathic, experience lucid dreaming, and have an expanded imagination or visualization.

Intuition and inner knowing are tools of the past that need to be enlivened. Due to technowledge and modern living we have let these integral skills fade away. We no longer need to look to the world around us and our own inner guidance to navigate our life. We have become dependent on our 5 sense perceptions. As such we can only process things coming towards us rather than working from our own inner wisdom that would lead us on a path in harmony with our authentic self.

As a result we live in a time where many individuals feel a disconnect from self and mental illness is on the rise in alarming rates. With the rise of COVID we have lost our ability to engage in the world through our sense perception and without the tools of intuition we are left with nothing.

I implore you to start to work with the third eye chakra to bring more harmony and alignment into your being. I will include below an exercise to get you started on this path. If this is something that you would like support with you can reach out today and start your Mindful Tradition.

-Cultivating a Sense of Intuition-

Your sense perceptions can give you clues about your intuition. Often times we can experience intuition through the senses but with no empirical evidence to back it up we dismiss the notion.

For example, ever have the idea that food in the fridge might not be ok? So you smell it, it smells fine, so you eat it, and then you are stuck on the toilet for the next day. Or what about when you are using a gps and it tells you to go left, but your hunch is that you should go right, but you follow the gps anyways and you hit a bunch of construction. Or what if you sense you are about to be sick but you don’t have any physical symptoms so you go out and do your thing depleting your resources and you end up sick in bed the next week. These are all just examples to help you get an understanding of what I am talking about here.

The practice s in starting to follow this sense of intuition. It’s like a muscle that must be exercised and over time you will strengthen it and it will work harmoniously in your life bringing you wisdom and guidance from within.


Crown Tradition


Flower Moon Tradition