Solstice Tradition

After the long and forlorn darkness of a pandemic winter, we are blessed with the height of summer. The summer solstice is the day of the year which holds the most light and the least amount of darkness.

It is easy to get carried away and swept up by this energy. This is the height of sun energy, it’s equivocal to standing on the edge of a cliff or at the peak of a high summit. There is so much potential in this energy, and with potential comes the needs to consciously cultivate. Without the conscious cultivation of light it turns to darkness.

Sun energy is linked to fire. The sun is quite literally a giant fireball. Think of fire here on earth and how it manifests. It can be an amazing tool bringing warmth and comfort, or it can decimate everything in its path. It can have the same effect on us. If left to run rampant that intense energy can burn us out, sending us in all directions. Or we can give that sun energy purpose by setting intentions and using it to help us reach our highest potential.

Another way to work with the energy of the solstice is to think about shining this bright light on you shadow side. What are the parts of yourself that have been in hiding? What are the part of yourself that you have avoided looking at or talking about? What is it that needs this light so it can be seen and transformed?

Whatever way you choose to work with this fire, this energy that is ripe with potential, it takes courage because you will be changing your destiny. Doing the work of the light is not the easiest path, but it is a noble undertaking. It is the kind of work that will change the world. As an exercise this week I will offer two journal prompts based off the different ways this blog post talks about doing this work. If this is something You are ready to actively take this up in your life and would like some support then reach out today and we can start your Mindful Tradition.

Journal Prompts for the Summer Solstice:

1.What are the goals or projects in your life right now that you are ready to bring into fruition? What are the practical steps you need to take to make these things happen? How will you start, and when will you start? How will you make sure that you cantain love and compassion for self in this process?

2.What are your shadow tendencies that you are ready to shine the light on? How are you going to take up this work? Who are you going to ask for support with this work? How will you make sure that you cantain love and compassion for self in this process?


Rewilding Tradition


Crown Tradition