Welcoming Tradition

Traditions used to be the corner stone of our species. In it people were able to decipher the world around them, felt held, and could use them as the foundation upon which their lives were built. Comfort and security was the name of the game.

As we evolved as a species we moved toward nuclear family settings, and then layered on a dependance on technology. We distanced ourselves from the traditions that once provided the very springboard that people used to launched their lives off of.

To be fair we outgrew some of these traditional roles. Traditional gender roles no longer serve us as a norm. Celebratory festivals that depict characters in black face no longer serve us. I am sure that people could argue and endless list of traditions that no longer serve us. That is not the point I am here to hit home.

My point is that we have lost our connection to many traditions that once served us. My goal now is to reconnect people with traditions that will serve them and to create new traditions.

Homesteading is a Tradition.

Yoga and mindfulness is a tradition.

Nutrition in a tradition.

Celebrating seasonal changes is a traditions.

These are all things I have made my professional career for the past decade. These are also the pillars of foundational living for me and my family.

However I would like to propose a new tradition: seeing the fullest potential in one another and supporting each person to reach that potential. Let me make it more simple, what if caring for each other was a tradition? What if taking the time to hear each other, rather than respond, was a tradition? What if rather than trying to put round pegs in square holes, we creatively problem solved the hole to be round so the peg fits in easily? What if we just took the time to compassionately greet each person? What if we took the time to be honest about our own experiences? What if we took the time to breath? These are what I want to make into traditions.

I want to make living life with intention and meaning a tradition.

I want to use the cornucopia of skills that I have to help you reach your goals. In a way that compassionately leads you on a path of healing and growth. I can not do the work for you, but I can create a safe space in which you are able to make the changes necessary to live your best life. I want to bring around the renaissance for Mindful Tradition. I want mindfulness to be a modality that we live our lives by.

Recently I was interviewed by a college student and we were talking about these things. I asked him to imagine a world where each persons passions were celebrated and they were encouraged to pursue a path of self discovery rather than a path that would lead to a certain outcome, such as income or stability. He said he could not envision that world. I am here to envision and advocate for that world.

I am here to help you, to serve your best interests, to guide, to be an impartial sounding board, to nourish, and support. I fundamentally believe that these are the micro changes that are necessary to lead to macro changes. I look forward to working with you.


Affordable Tradition