Solar Plexus Tradition

Has anyone else felt the call of the frenzied energy of spring? The need to rise with the sun and be productive till the sun goes down? To cultivate a clear and direct focus and bring something to fruition? Do you feel that fire in your belly igniting?

That is your third chakra.

Your third chakra is associated with the color yellow, fire, balance, and your personal power.

Fire is a funny thing to cultivate. Because it you don’t tend to it it will go out, if you put to much on it all at once you can smother it, or you can stoke it so much that it burns everything around it, causing destruction. So my friends, let us tend to the third chakra with an enlightened balance so as not to over or under activate.

We need our personal power in order to live authentically in the world around us. With it we can tap into our intuitions and then exert our will into the world in a way that is harmonious rather than domineering. We can feel strong out in the world, but in a way that I often refer to in my yoga classes as experiencing “strength and grace” or “strength and beauty”. Strength does not have to mean domineering, it can also mean loving and nurturing to yourself and others.

For this chakra I would like to offer an exercise about creating the space to listen to your intuition, your own divine wisdom. Because without this we can not carry out our will forces in the world in an authentic way. Use this exercise during times when a big decision is on your mind, or something has happened in your life that you are unsure about.

If this is an area that you want to create health and healing, and restore balance, reach out, and we can start you Mindful Tradition today.

  • Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, lifting up tall through the crown of the head, creating length in the spine.

  • Allow the eyes to soften or close, and begin to breath in and out of the nose, lengthening the exhale so it is longer than the inhale.

  • Once you have dulled the senses and are feeling a sense of calm place your hand over the space between your belly button and the bottom of the rib cage.

  • Bring your awareness to the situation that you are wanting clarity on and be aware of your gut response to it.

  • If you have a nauseated or heavy feeling then it is not the right decision for you, if you feel light hearted or refreshed than this is the right path to take.

*It can take time to build a level of connect with your own intuition if you have not been fostering this connection over time. If this is the case continue to practice this exercise to build up the muscle of your intuition, and over time you will see an improvement.


Heart Chakra Tradition


Lunar Tradition