Parenting Tradition
We are here today to announce the newest educational block for Mindful Tradition. And if the title of this blog was not a big enough clue, let me just come right out with it… it will be on parenting!
Now, whether or not you have children, this is still a relevant topic. Because no matter what, we were all once children and carry around memories or even trauma from that period of our lives. Even in a stable and loving household, we have pains from the past that need to be tended to and healed. This is not an effort to shame or blame anyone's parents. The living reality is that we are all just doing our best… and that as human beings, we fail each other from time to time, despite our best efforts.
I can say from my own entry into motherhood, that becoming a mother is as much about my own children as healing my inner child. My children have been beacons of light shining onto me. The pains that I have carried through this lifetime. And in my efforts to be a more compassionate and supportive parent, I have found the tools to work through my own pain.
Oftentimes, the compassion and gentility that we afford younger generations is exactly what we needed in younger years. And every time that you become triggered and return to that wounded inner child, that compassion and gentility is exactly what you need.
So, wherever you are on your path in life in terms of family planning, there will be nuggets of wisdom to extract. Both in how you tend to your own inner child, and how you tend to the inner child of every person you know.
We will look at different modalities and tools for working with children. And in doing so, I will re-frame each conversation and ask you to look inward and see what comes up for you. This has the potential to really stir up things that may have been tucked away into your subconscious. If that happens for you, please reach out to myself or a licensed therapist to support you in your journey. You do not need to do this work alone.
When we take the steps to deal with our own pains, we are modeling for our own children or those around us. By taking the steps necessary to heal your own wounds, you encourage others to do the same. This is how what we do ripples out into the world to create change. That is how we make the world a better place.
I look forward to going on this journey with you. As always, please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns. I am here for you.