New Year New You Tradition

Oh. My. Goodness. Here we are bringing 2020 to a close, with a new year on the horizon, and we must stop and ask ourselves “What now?”

I do not want to imply that I think that just because a calendar changes that the issues that have arisen in 2020 will come to a close. We as a people have some real work to do. If we collectively take up this work we can make such an impact not just in our own lives but for all future generations. Tis the work that will change the world.

Now that this past year is done we can turn our focus to the work at hand. 2020 was undeniable a hard year, but each year will progressively get harder if we don’t work to make changes. These changes need to occur on the micro and macro scale. It’s hard to imagine things like political, police, and educational reform until we are first able to look at ourselves.

This means examining our self with a microscope, shining a light into the dark corners of our psyche that we have all to willingly turned our backs on. This is not an easy task, but it is a noble work. It is often painful to face our darker sides, and thus it is often easier when you have a guide or partner on that journey. That is what I am here for friend.

One of my favorite things to say to people is “You get what you give.” The more you put into something the more you will get out of it. Made a terrible mistake? Your gonna learn a lot. Had a big fight with someone? Resolving the conflict will bring you closer. Give 110% to something, your reward will be that much sweeter. Love freely and without hindrance, the same will be returned to you. If you dig down deep and make yourself vulnerable to a transformative process, you will change your future for the better.

It is the modern day equivalent of pulling your own Caliburn sword from the stone. When you have done the work to be worthy of greatness, greatness will be waiting for you.

I am not huge of resolutions (gasp!). Statistically they just don’t work. What I am about is saying today is the day to take on instrumental change and ownership of your life and your destiny. That takes predated thought and consideration.

So let us start a practice now of doing that preparatory work that will ready you for greatness. If you are ready to start A New Year New You endeavor know that I am running a special through the month of January for exactly this purpose. It is 50% off a 3 or 6 pack of consultations with me. Because I deeply understand that we have hit some hard times both financially and emotionally and I want us all to be able to come out the other side the best versions of ourselves possible. So weather you want to do this work with me or singularly here are some exercises to begin to envision the work that will change the world. You will need a pen and paper handy for this exercise.

1) Meditate. This can be done, either led, or just on your own if you have established your own practice. (If you are interested in something led, please check out me shop here for downloadable meditation audios.)

2) Write a list of the things that you are having a hard time with in your life.

3) Sleep on it.

4) Review the list the next morning and see if there are any common themes or areas that really stand out for you.

5) Come up with a clear list of goals.

6) Have a creative planning scesh where you outline the steps necessary to meet those goals.

7) Give yourself a timeline in which to meet those goals.

8) Be forgiving of yourself in the process. Just do your best, and if you slip up, remember that you have tomorrow to try again!


Meditation Tradition


Authentic Tradition