Grounding Tradition

Doing consulting work is one of my life’s passions. Taking the tools I have gleaned over the years and being able to change someone’s life for the better nourishes my soul. As each individual comes with a specific need I tailor something to meet them as the individual that they are. It also means that I go back to my books and notes and create a wellness plan from scratch. This may be why it is so nourishing for my soul, in that I essentially also take up that work with the individual. I study philosophical texts, I practice meditations, chants, mudras and movement. I come fully immersed in that which I hope to teach with.

And so in the midst of political turmoil and unrest I offer this idea of grounding that I am currently lucky enough to be working with.

Our sense of grounding, is intertwined with our sense of self. That when you know your own “I am” that becomes your stability in a tumultuous world. This can be done through opening and balancing of ones root chakra. The root chakra is the the base and core of all the other chakras, by balancing this lowest one you put into alignment all the other chakras and in essence ones whole self.

Think of it this way: When there’s a crack in the foundation of a house it can create many other structural issues. When you fix the foundation you eliminate those other complications.

So my offering to you here and now is a list of suggestions for opening and balancing your root chakra to help you find the grounding you need in these uncertain times. If you find this list to be helpful and would like to continue this work please contact me and you can start your grounding tradition today.

Suggestions for opening and balancing the root chakra:

  1. Surround yourself in red. This could be wearing red, having red art in the home, putting a red blanket on your bed, have some red flowers on the table, you get the idea here.

  2. Immerse yourself in the sensory experience of smell. Smell is the sense attached to the root chakra, so delve into your olfactory fancies. Take time to stop and smell the roses, talk a walk in the woods close your eyes and take some deep breaths, light some incense in the house. Particularly earthy smells are your best bet here as this is the root chakra.

  3. Massage your feet. Your feet are your grounding connection to the earth when walking so tending to the feet is tending to that connection. Make a practice when you start or end your day of rubbing your feet with a nice lotion, taking the time to get the whole bottom and top of the foot.

For more resources in developing a grounding tradition, check out

Grounding Meditation Audio

Take some time to reconnect and ground yourself. A wonderful practice for when you are feeling out of this world, lacking strength and energy, or when you need to reaffirm your connection to the earth.


Grief Tradition


Joyful Tradition