Artistic Tradition

To create is a human need. Unless you define yourself as an artist or work with your hands in a trade skill, chances are it has been awhile since you have created something. Creating something beautiful is an expression of the soul. It is putting a piece of yourself out into the world in a very vulnerable way. It is self expression made visible, something to be judged, and thus can often be tied up in fear.

I love the quote by J. Beuys “Each human being is an artist!” because, it really is that simple. We each have something to share with the world. Some people may love it, and some people may not, and that is OK.

By pushing pash this fear of judgement (either by self or others) we can unbottle a part of our self that had been sheltered away for years. Sure, the first piece of art may not be prize winning, but it’s a process, and any process requires a first step.

We have covered the benefits of freeing a piece of yourself, meeting the need to create, and engaging in self expression. Studies have also shown that creating art encourages positive self-esteem, increases creative thinking, boosts problem solving, and improves the memory.

So my offering to you today is artistic prompts. These can be done on numerous surfaces, either a found object (cardboard) or something purchased (canvas, clay). There are an array of things you could use to create your vision markers, paint, mud, paper collage, whatever tickles your fancy. In fact there are artists who paint with water, knowing that their creations will be offered back to the universe in a short period of time as the creation evaporates.

  • Gather all of your items and make sure you are not on a surface that needs to be covered up.

  • Take a selfie where you look happy.

  • Take a selfie where you look angry.

  • Take a selfie where you look sad.

  • Take the time to create each of these three images, trying to take in and experience each emotion as you work. These could be one image, or more.

  • What is revealed about your true nature as you work with these images of yourself?

  • What do you feel inspired to make next?


Authentic Tradition


Heart Tradition