Yoga Tradition
In case it was not apparent up to this point, I love yoga. I truly believe in my heart of hearts that yoga is the salve that will heal the pains of the world. When I speak of yoga I do not mean the yoga that is the mainstead Western experience, clad in lululemon, practiced in high end studios, and purely focused on the physical practice of asana (poses).
The Sanskrit word Yoga has many meanings. In terms of what I am writing about here it means union, or to bring into union the physical (your limited self) and the spiritual (the Divine Self). That through the practice of Yoga we can create a divine connection to the ultimate truths of the universe. Everytime we step on the mat we are reaching for something both within oneself and something far beyond oneself. The ultimate realization of self knowledge.
I work with the tools of Yoga in a way that I hope honors the Kripalu lineage that I am apart of, and incorporates wisdom gathered during my over nine years as a social therapist working with a Neuro Diverse population. This culminates in my offerings as a Neuro Diverse Kripalu Yoga and Meditation Teacher. In my classes and one-on-one work I strive to create a safe space for all people and needs, that honors their highest self, and to create an atmosphere where an individual can see and connect to the Divine Self that they are intrinsically a part of.
For the next foreseeable future my weekly blog posts, social media posts, and newsletters will focus around the 8 limbs of Yoga as outlined by Patanjali. These Yoga Sutras outlined by Patanjali are accepted by most lineages of yoga, giving cohesion and union between the differing schools of yogic pedagogy.
I will often refer to carrying the practice of Yoga “off the mat” in the classes I teach and in the work I do. This is because in the Kripalu tradition of Yoga, Yoga is everything. It is every thought you have in your mind, it is every action you carry out, and it is everything you say. Yoga is not an occurrence for one hour a week on your mat, it is deeply intertwined into life itself. That time on the mat is meant to gift you the opportunity of the self reflective gesture.
So the call to action is to take a yoga class or reach out for a one on one Therapeutic Yoga Consultation. Open your awareness to your Divine Self and contemplate the great truths of the universe. When we do this work we heal not only ourselves, but also the world.