White Privilege Tradition
These days I have been sitting hard with the question of “How does white privilege play a role in my business?”
Deep breath. This is an uber topic. It is something that I am not necessarily comfortable talking/writing about. That’s how I know it is the right place to be shining the light, honoring, and giving my attention to. I am committed on a personal level and a business level to do the personal work necessary to be the best version of me possible. To lean into the discomfort, and befriend it. To talk my way through it till I come out on the other side a more compassionate version of myself.
The reality is that I am making profit off a culture that has been appropriated and am taking the spotlight from the indigenous people whom are the descendants of this culture and wisdom.
As such I make conscious choices to remedy this. First off I teach the 8 limbs of yoga not just the asana practice that is prevalent in Western culture. By teaching breath work, meditation, and yoga as a way to live life (rather than just a kick ass workout) I am honoring the lineage of Yoga. I also prescribe to a slow business model. This means that I offer sliding scale and accept Medicaid dollars so this essential work is available to all peoples rather than just the white middle class as it has predominantly been experienced in the US. Lastly I try and collaborate with BIPOC in an entrepreneurial way to share the spotlight.
I believe it is my responsibility as a white woman to ask myself how white privilege creeps into all corners of my life. As a mother, as a partner, as a small business owner, and as a woman.
This is all a process of unlearning. Of honoring that I was raised in a socially contrived structure that put me at an advantage. It does not matter that I was raised in a family with limited resources, and an incarcerated parent. My privilege can still be found in abundance.
So what can I do?
I can use the privilege of my voice being heard to speak out for those do not have a voice. To spend my funds at black owned businesses. To be open to honest conversation about these thing. To not get defensive when my reality is questioned. To do the research to educate myself and not put that emotional labor on my BIPOC friends and family. To continue my own practice on the mat that honors the light in each person.
For me this all falls into the realm of Rewilding. Because when you strip down all off these socially constructed labels, at our core, we all all the same. There is no right or wrong, their just is. The ability to see and honor that in each person is part of the rewilding journey. When we find our own divinity we can not deny that same divinity in each person on the plant.
So your call to action here is to question the role that white privilege plays in your life? In what ways have you benefited from a system that caters to your needs? What are the ways you can educate yourself? How are you going to give back to these communities whom you profit off of? If any of these questions hang you up then feel free to reach out. I am here to share what I have learned along the way and would be happy to support you in your own process.