Samadhi Tradition

It has been a long road to get to Samadhi the final limb in the 8 Limbs of Yoga. To get here we have traveled through the Yamas and Niyamas finding a practice of living our life through constraints and observances. Next was Asana the poses we practice on the mat, and then Pranayama which is the practice of breathwork. Through Pratyahara we withdrew the senses, and with Dharana we learn to focus on one set idea. Then with Dhyana we found concentration or meditation.

Each one of these is an indisputably necessary step in the process for getting to Samadhi. While it is beneficial to do them in order it is not necessary. For example I may be able to engage in a soul nourishing meditation practice and still have had an unkind conversation with my husband earlier in the day, which would be in violation of Ahimsa the first Yama.

However if you have not fully grown with, and been transformed by the previous 7 limbs you will not attain this final step of full on enlightenment. To be clear I have not attained enlightenment. I do think I am an aware and enlightened being and have done a lot of personal growth and development through my journey with yoga and mindfulness, but alas I am not one with the universal truths. That doesn’t mean I am going to stop trying.

Samadhi is explained as a state of ecstasy. One transcends beyond their meditative practice and self and connects to the Divine, the universal truths. It is said in this state one can see the connectivity of the whole universe and that our physical being is part of that connectivity and that this brings about a state of bliss in the individual practicing. A total and complete state of peace.

Now in the Kripalu lineage that I am apart of, Swami Kripalu speaks of “householders”. Householder are anyone that works and/or has a family. Generally speaking these are not the people that will attain enlightenment. This is the path of a devout spiritual being who does not have to support themselves financially. In the modern age these are your monks and hermits. They live off the good graces of others and are not very common over here in the States.

Now as a householder (which the good Swami recommended never more than 2 hours a day of yoga practice or you would become disconnected from your responsibilities and family) it may seem silly to engage with the 8 Limbs of Yoga. Like why bother if you aren’t gonna get your bliss on in Samadhi?

Because each of these Limbs has benefit to the life you live. You will find a peace and personal development every step of the way. You will imbue your life with meaning and your work will radiate out into the world. This is the salve the world so desperately needs right now. Conscious and caring human beings. So be that person, be on this journey with me and so many amazing other individuals. If this is something you want to explore further with support, know that I am always here for you. I wish you luck on your own yogic journey.


Root Tradition


Dhyana Tradition