Mindful Tradition

The mind is a beautiful and dangerous thing. With fine tuning our mind can open up all the possibilities we have ever wanted, or when left to the wayside it can be the means to our own destruction. This is a very serious matter.

I have always taken great inspiration from the memoir of Jean-Dominique Bauby “The Diving Bell And The Butterfly”. Here is an individual who had a most vivacious life, and in one simple moment, his bodily movements were reduced to the blinking on his left eye, but he retained full faculties of his mind. He was able to communicate through blinking and created for himself an elaborate life in his mind which was his refuge while bed bound, and then wrote a memoir about his experiences.

Through our mind we can allow ourselves to be happy or sad or anything in between. We can manifest the destiny we want, be it in a loving relationship, successful in work, have the home of our dreams, or overcome great obstacles while maintaining a positive outlook.

Our mind can become hardened and soured when life does not goes as we want it to. When our shadow sides comes out and we do not keep it in check, a darkness moves into our heart and we can become cold and calloused. It is our responsibility to ourselves that when we being to think dark thoughts to hold ourselves accountable. This can be a whole life’s work just learning to do this. And while we are learning this we can ask others to help keep us on track, or can engage in activities that help produce endorphins and nurture our soul to help our mind make better choices.

This is the quintessential essence of Mindful Tradition, this work of the mind. Without making these conscious and healthy choices we choose traditions that tear us apart rather than bring us together. We must actively choose the light or we as a people will be lost to the darkness. So my offering to you today is one tool for ridding oneself of the darkness when it is knocking on the door. If you want to learn to choose the light over the dark, if you are ready to start your mindful tradition today reach out to book your consultation and start your life’s work.

1) Get a journal - Our thoughts have power in that they become our words. So the idea here is to have a space for those dark words to flow freely without unleashing it onto the world.

2) Start writing - When you feel negativity, judgement, anger, frustration, jealousy, rage or whatever it may be starting to creep in, write it out. Write all of the nasty and terrible things. Purge yourself of these things so that they are no longer living inside of you and you can set them free.

3)Burn it up - This of course is pending that you have a safe place to set something on fire. This can be done when you are done with a journal entry or when you have filled the whole thing up. You now know that you don’t need to carry these thoughts around with you, and you are released from the burden of negativity.


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