Elemental Tradition

Here we are on the eve of the autumnal equinox. It feels palpable in the very air. The signs are all around us. The asters are in full bloom. The crops are being harvested. The night air has a nip to it. And the children have all gone back to school.

At such a time of great transition comes with it great opportunity for reflection and intention setting.

So I sit and I listen to what is coming towards me. What is it that wants to be learned in this time? What lesson is on the cusp of blossoming? What is the timing ripe for and ready to be harvested?

When we sit in this way we can learn from a place of ease and abundance rather than forcing something into being. I call this going with the flow of abundance. I fundamentally trust that the universe wants me to grow and learn in new directions so that I can be the best possible version of myself. Knowing that when I learn it is never just for myself but the betterment of humanity.

So, what is the next subject we will be taking up together, the thing that is streaming towards us and aching to be learned? (Drum roll please….)

The elements. Earth, air, fire, water. How do we live with these sacred matters that make up the totality of our planet. This place where we live, and love, and grow. That the things we consume are made out of. That we eat to nourish our body, and clothe ourselves with to stay warm.

How often to you think about the air you are breathing with each precious breath that you take? Or give thanks to the water when you wash your hands? Or praise the boards that built your home? Or greet the morning sun with a song of thanks in your heart?

What are the lessons that each of these divine substances has to teach us? How do we honor and praise them each day, and slow down our lives in order to do so? When we bring our awareness to the things we take for granted daily we can imbue out lives with meaning and reverence.

I am authentically excited for this next phase of study that we will be taking up. My next four blog posts and IG live videos will be on the individual elements deep diving into each one and giving them the space and attention they deserve in order to help you reflect and take in the lessons of these sacred matters.

In the meantime just begin to think about the role that each of these substances has played in your life. Perhaps you have been drawn to sources of water during difficult times, or taken refuge and comfort by a warm fire on a cold night. Cultivate an awareness of how these items already exist and take up space in your life, and your home. This could even be something that you wish to journal about. These are after all, your first steps on a righteous awakening.

Welcome to your own journey with the elements, I look forward to being your guide. In the meantime feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have, and stay tuned for the next instalment of the Mindful Tradition blog posts to see what’s next.


Air Tradition


Annual Tradition